"Ke Nako--It Is Time" Trailer
This student documentary follows the journey of the people of South Africa and their lives before and after apartheid. It also discusses the significance of the country hosting the 2010 Fifa World Cup.
This student documentary follows the journey of the people of South Africa and their lives before and after apartheid. It also discusses the significance of the country hosting the 2010 Fifa World Cup.
You Never Know What's Behind A Smile...
Letisha Bush |
Let’s face it, happiness seems pretty self explanatory. You smile, you laugh, maybe get a funny tickle in your stomach. That’s happiness, right? Well, my idea behind exploring this idea was really out of curiosity. I concluded that this was the one emotion everyone on earth wanted to feel. Whether you’re a Muslim, Christian, black, white, born into poverty or an heiress, there are no boundaries when it comes to happiness. We all want it. These ideas lead me to find two extraordinary people who have lost happiness completely. They have both felt the pain, the sorrow and the complete opposite of happiness. This documentary explores happiness from their point of view. From darkness into light. Not quite what you’d expect? Well, more reason for you to come see their journey for yourself. Maybe it will put a smile on your face, or remind you of how you’ve pushed through sadness and let happiness embrace you. Dadrian and I are both honored to share these stories with you…it was challenging, emotional, hilarious and incredibly fulfilling!
Letisha Bush is a senior broadcast journalism student at Florida A&M University's School of Journalism & Graphic Communication. She, along with Dadrian Robinson, explored the pursuit of happiness in the documentary Happy!
Finding Happiness, By Dadrian Robinson
Dadrian Robinson |
This film will make you laugh, smile and even cry! Happiness is a diverse emotion and I promise a joy ride on them all.
Dadrian Robinson is a senior broadcast journalism student from Miami, Florida. She, along with her documentary partner Letisha Bush, wrote, filmed and edited their film Happy!
Fishing For Answers Trailer
This just in! Watch the trailer for the documentary "Fishing for Answers."
Gulf of Mexico,
J-School Journals,
oil spill,
Skin Deep: Coming to a Channel Near You
Producers of Skin Deep, Monique Mitchell and Marsha Buchanan |
This topic, black women dating "out" tends to generate a lot of controversy, but I thought it was important to bring it up due to statistics that I found shocking. Fact: Black men currently outnumber black women by almost 2 million. And the percentage of black men deciding not to marry is steadily increasing.
The concept of this documentary presents facts on the disparity of eligible black men; and the smaller pool black women have to choose from. Although I do believe there are good black men available, statistics show that the pickings have simply become slim. Skin Deep: Black Women Venturing Out is simply an idea, food for thought for all African American Women.
Find out more about Skin Deep by reading film maker Marsha Buchanan's blog.
interracial relationships,
J-School Journals,